Bend, Oregon Official Visitor Guide

The official guide to visiting Bend, Oregon

Get a kick start on your vacation planning

The official Visitor Guide for Bend, Oregon provides everything you need to know about Bend’s hotels and lodging, tourist attractions, Bend events, outdoor adventures, restaurants, nightlife, restaurants, breweries, and more.

View the digital version of the Bend, Oregon Visitor Guide

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Visitor Guide today

If you would prefer a printed version of the Visitor Guide for Bend to show your friends and family, fill out the form below to receive your FREE copy.

Please note it can take up to two-three weeks to be mailed to you, and we only mail within the United States and Canada. If you reside outside the U.S. and Canada, please refer to the online digital visitor guide.

Need a Bend visitor guide now?

Call our office and we’ll expedite one to you or simply view the online digital visitor guide which offers the same information you will find in the printed guide.

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