Petersen Rock Garden & Museum


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Petersen Rock Garden & Museum

A fusion of nature and creativity

Imagine strolling through a landscape where vibrant peacocks flaunt their colorful feathers and call out to each other amidst glimmering castles with moats and cottages perched on hilltops. No, this isn’t a scene from Harry Potter, but a unique and whimsical attraction in Central Oregon. Some might call it quirky, while others see it as a testament to creativity, dedication, and a deep love for one’s adopted homeland.

Welcome to Petersen Rock Garden. Nestled between Bend and Redmond, this unique folk art environment, founded by Danish immigrant Rasmus Christian Petersen in the 1930s, continues to enchant visitors with its intricate rock sculptures, historical significance, and vibrant peacocks. Join us as we delve into the fascinating history and distinctive features of this self-guided, family-friendly attraction just minutes from Bend. 

The visionary behind the garden

Rasmus Petersen’s journey to creating this marvel began in the early 20th century when he emigrated from Denmark to the United States. After settling in Central Oregon and establishing a successful farming life, Petersen embarked on his rock garden project in 1935. His vision was to celebrate both his Danish heritage and his love for his new country through art. Over the next 17 years, Petersen single-handedly built an array of structures using locally sourced rocks, fossils, shells, and semi-precious stones.

A rock castle at Petersen Rock Garden near Bend, OR

A glimpse into history

Petersen Rock Garden began as a personal project but quickly gained popularity, attracting thousands of visitors by the late 1930s. Petersen meticulously crafted miniature buildings, bridges, fountains, and monuments, each imbued with intricate details and artistic flair. Notable pieces include a replica of the Statue of Liberty, a scaled-down White House, and numerous castles and churches. 

His work reflects both his dedication to art and his deep appreciation for the natural beauty of Oregon.

The garden’s historical significance was recognized in 2013 when it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Despite facing challenges over the years, including periods of disrepair and financial strain, the garden has remained a cherished landmark.

Miniature Statue of Liberty at the Petersen Rock Garden near Bend, OR

Exploring the garden

Discover a delightful journey through an eclectic collection of rock art. The garden spans four acres, featuring paths lined with creatively crafted sculptures and natural landscaping. 

Rock art

Among these are miniature castles and bridges, meticulously crafted from a variety of rocks, including jasper, agate, lava rock, petrified wood, obsidian, malachite, thundereggs, and more. Each structure stands as a testament to Petersen’s ability to transform ordinary stones into extraordinary works of art. Additionally, a seven-foot-tall replica of the Statue of Liberty is prominently featured within the garden, symbolizing Petersen’s deep admiration for his adopted country. Inside the main museum, visitors can marvel at the fluorescent room, where a stunning display of glowing minerals offers both an educational and visually captivating experience. These elements collectively contribute to the garden’s unique charm and historical significance.

One of the peacocks at Petersen Rock Garden near Bend, OR

Meet the peacocks

As you wander the grounds, you’ll also encounter the garden’s resident peacocks. There are approximately 40 peacocks wandering the grounds. They’re fed on a diet of corn, sunflower seeds, and wild bird seed and are fed by those who work and live there. These majestic birds add to the garden’s charm, their vibrant plumage contrasting beautifully with the stone structures.

A beetle fossil

Rock museum

The indoor rock museum is a treasure trove of geological wonders. It showcases an extensive collection of rocks, fossils, shells, and semi-precious stones, offering a glimpse into the natural beauty and diversity of Earth’s minerals. While many of these specimens are sourced locally from Central Oregon, the collection also features remarkable finds from around the globe. This eclectic assortment highlights the fascinating variety of geological formations, from the intricate patterns of local agates and jaspers to the exotic allure of rare shells and semi-precious stones. 

Enhancing the visitor experience

A visit to Petersen Rock Garden is not just about admiring the art—it’s about immersing yourself in a one-of-a-kind cultural experience. 

  • Picnic areas: Enjoy a leisurely picnic amidst the scenic surroundings. The garden provides several spots where you can relax and take in the views.
  • Museum and gift shop: The on-site museum features a collection of rocks and minerals, while the gift shop offers a variety of souvenirs, including postcards and unique rock specimens.
  • Self-guided tours: Information plaques and maps are available to help you navigate the garden and learn about its history and the different types of rocks used in the sculptures.
Peacock tail feathers at Petersen Rock Garden near Bend, OR

Information for your visit

Located just 10 miles north of Bend and 7 miles south of Redmond, Petersen Rock Garden is an easy and short visit from town. Hours change depending on the season. During the fall through spring months, it’s open Friday – Sunday. In the summer, after Memorial Day weekend, it’s open daily. Be sure to check their website for current hours. 

There’s a suggested cash donation for admission, which you can place in one of several donation boxes throughout the property. Plan to spend 30 minutes to an hour exploring the grounds to fully appreciate the artistry and history.

To get there, take U.S. Route 97 and follow the signs to the garden. Plenty of parking is available on-site. While visiting, please remember not to feed the birds, as their diet is carefully managed to ensure their health.

Petersen Rock Garden is more than just a roadside attraction; it’s a celebration of artistic vision, cultural heritage, and the beauty of nature. Whether you’re a history buff, an art enthusiast, or looking for a unique day trip with the kids, this garden offers something for everyone. As you explore the grounds, you’ll be transported back in time, marveling at the intricate creations of a man who found beauty in the rocks of Central Oregon. Don’t miss the chance to experience this unique, quirky, and even inspiring treasure.